About Me

Hi! =) My name is dani and I sure do love me some discounts! I am originally from Arizona but now reside in Philly.

I have recently discovered the world of Amazon Reviews in exchange to receive free (or nearly free) products and boy am I obsessed! I love coming home to boxes at my door step filled with quality items that I want to try. It's like my birthday everyday. hehe! These items range from beauty products, mobile accessories, kitchen utensils, fitness items, speakers, purses, and the list goes on.. and on.. and on...

Now, I want to share with you some of the top items that I have reviewed, as well as the sites that I have found worthwhile. Thank you for visiting my page and hope you enjoy it!

Thursday, October 15, 2015


The Conversation Handbook is an excellent self help book.  It goes through different techniques and exercises that you can do to help improve conversations and improve social skills.  It allows you be self assess your strengths and weaknesses and how to improve on them.

Furthermore,  it gives some great ideas on conversation starters and how to avoid the awkward silences.  Also, how to improve a boring conversation.  For example, think of sentences and not one concept, fill conversation with emotions and keep the conversation on an interesting top.  By utilizing these tips, you are ensure that the conversation will flow smoothly and have effective communication.

This book has really helped me break the ice in networking events and nightly mixers.  I am so happy I was able to purchase this book at a promotional price in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.  It has been great learning different techniques and skills to improve my overall conversations and social skills.

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