About Me

Hi! =) My name is dani and I sure do love me some discounts! I am originally from Arizona but now reside in Philly.

I have recently discovered the world of Amazon Reviews in exchange to receive free (or nearly free) products and boy am I obsessed! I love coming home to boxes at my door step filled with quality items that I want to try. It's like my birthday everyday. hehe! These items range from beauty products, mobile accessories, kitchen utensils, fitness items, speakers, purses, and the list goes on.. and on.. and on...

Now, I want to share with you some of the top items that I have reviewed, as well as the sites that I have found worthwhile. Thank you for visiting my page and hope you enjoy it!

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Neutralyze Anti Acne Solution

Neutralyze Anti Acne Solution
Neutralyze Moderate to Severe Acne Treatment Kit (30 Day)I am 30 years old.  I had relatively clear skin up until I was 26.  For the past 4 years I have been in search for an acne routine system that is a all in one kit.  I had the opportunity to try out Neutralyze and thought what do I have to lose.

I have been using Neutralyze for just about 3 weeks and have begun seeing a different in the amount of acne I get, decrease in exisiting sizes and number of pimples on my face.  I was honestly pleasantly surprised on how effectively this kit worked!  I would definitely recommend!  As a bonus, you also get a microfiber wash cloth, which I love because it really helps get my face squeaky clean, yet it is gentle for my face.